Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hell on earth ... believe me ...

Time and again my silence gets heard I guess. Now its time for another interesting and controversial topic. Let me warn folks before getting into the details. My views may be disturbing and not suitable for believers of a certain community of people. My apologies for that, as don't intend to do so in my writing. This purely is my own view and my opinion. So please read it at your own risk and discretion.

I saw Michael Jackson's 'This is it', was inspired by the Earth Song with favorite lyric 'look what have we done ...'.

Recently I have been going through some of the puranas (manuscripts of Hindu mythology) and the very own Vedas. It was interesting to go through some of the details of the Vedas which talk about the use of somarasa (divine drink for many of the gurus and saints). I was going through the process of making somarasa; it’s indeed very well documented in Rig Veda. It also explains the background of somarasa and exact way to manufacture it.

Now many of you folks may not be aware of the details of Somarasa; its a divine drink as said and is more taken by gods. It posses lot of medicinal properties as well as the intoxicating effect which can make people go out of control. Soma rasa can have the similar effect of that of Alcohol, and can make the drinker go ecstatic and wild. There are several theories on this; can be referred at the link, indra & soma-rasa talking about the variants of it and the advent of it in the modern world.

Now lets go the gods drink in particular; as may would have seen several mythological movies showing suras (so called good ones, Devas) and the Asuras (bad ones who are also called Rakhsasas). Going through the details of the puranas I see Indra is the head of the suras, and Sukrachraya is the preceptor of Asuras. Indra, the owner of swargalok or heaven. This is now familiar to many folks I guess, heaven is full of alcohol and there are apsaras dancing for Indra, he employs these apsaras; who entertain devas with their dance and music. This is similar to that of the modern day pub/disco or so live band. As per the puranas soma rasa was the sacred drink of the devasa and used to be served in heaven, that too in enormous quantities as much as one could have; as I guess on the lighter side no 'drink and drive' offense in heaven.

The common trouble makers for such a get-together were the asuras or the rakshasas. They came in and attacked the Devas and played spoilsport to devas entertainment and partying spirits. There are several instances in the puranas where the heaven is captured by the asuras and lord Vishnu or Shiva has to come the rescue of the suras. It’s been the normal practice that incarnations or avatars happen and lords reside to save heaven and give them back to asuras. so that they continue with their routine of entertainment.

As ironical to what is said in the above Purana and Vedas. recently so called infamous Rama sena activists ransacked the pubs/discos in Mangalore. The motive behind the attack was to drive and manhandle women folks in the party for drinking and partying. there were video footage shown on the TV screens as to what extent the unruly mob ransacked the place, beating up and mis-behaving with women. Firm believers of the community didn't even know what they believe in. Its quite an amusement to watch people worshiping the pub owner as their own god, and rest of the Devas too who employ women folk.

If we believe in something, no matter what we cannot think otherwise. Can't we question the fact 'are we Rama Sene or Ravana Sene ?', 'are we different from al-Qaeda or Taliban?', 'Why are we making hell on earth go get to the imaginary heaven there ?'. Just 'Believe' me; we have no answers, but questions for ourselves !!!


  1. Nice & different one Dude ... Back in form :)

    Liked your creative reasoning between Samarasa & alcohol, indira's apsara's & today pub/live bands.

    What we don't understand is that all the ideologies are been put forth by humans only, because the very comparison is baseless because there doesn't exist any thing like heaven, indira or Apsara. Man created all those godly characters to protect/escape or guard himself from doing the things for which others can't question, thats the reason he used god. Evey one uses god for his own benefits or else not.

    And the questioning of the self, is the cause of all sufferings. We have so many answers fed within us which leaves everyone questioned :)

    I am in an arguing mood today i guess :)

  2. Thanks Ravi, for the invaluable comments. Yes, the moment I wrote the first line, I came to my senses. Well anything can be debatable and argued till the core. This is one topic of interest to most and is arguably good i guess.
    There is nothing like mood to argue... I feel. It the very thoughts and the answers we have as you say gets us there. please go ahead and we can discuss the same ... :)

  3. Hi Raghu...

    First time i am going through your posts..
    I am just flatter with your comparison...
    from Indra loka to IND(RA) - RA(VAN)loka...

    We feel lot happening about outside..but, we don't
    dare to respond..I appreciate Your Response.
