She looked at the rack that had all the photo albums stacked up as pile for the times of remembrance. Mere did she notice them in her good old acting days; lest now the free time is more calling her to have a glance at her old captures.

She turned a few more pages in the photo album, year 1977 her second movie had shot fame because he had her sculpted and the script to perfection in very short time and had given the major break she needed in her career. She wasn't the greatest of the actors; but he never gave up; he almost had made a best actress winner in his and her second film together. News papers, the popular media then had her on the front page, for her performance in her just second movie. He did his best as director for the love he had for her since he saw her first. His heart beat only for her as most of the other films he tried with other heroine's never stayed there for more than few weeks. He was in love and that showed in his movies he directed for her.

She turned a few more pages in the next photo album; year 1979 was the year she wanted to forget. She had right age for marriage and he had proposed her at their next film launch together. She was a better actress off stage and she almost bluntly said 'We are professionals and more appropriately are not even friends'. He felt his heart miss a beat and none in the industry would even believe that she could do that to him. Her professional ethics were too much to handle for him; the film didn't even make any noise at the commercial office for the off screen reasons more to do. She had no hits that year, and he later made his come-back with his biography 'devdas'.
Her wedding picture looked as beautiful as she looked to him. It was a classic black and white capture of the then UK returned Prithvi Bose D K and she being Mrs. Bose with the shades matching rightly with the fairer sex. She loved the capture and that’s the picture she still feels she looked beautiful last. He never attended the wedding and was busy at the nearby party drinking some imported scotch erasing his past memories. He made the next picture in the album completely his, he breathed his last and the capture was she paying her last tribute to the best director of that time. She looked pretty naive with the 80's shades as those probably made her look the celebrity for one last time.
Tears rolled down the cheek, she couldn't control them whenever she saw that picture. He never stopped loving her and she never did with her career, and his death had the last laugh. She no longer was in fame either, as Mr. Bose D K got the morning news paper reading she had won the best supporting actress for her 5 minute role in her new film. Mr. Bose felt the wet cheeks as he turned her face to look at him. She was a better actress now, he was in joy and those were the tears of joy as she still remembered him for the glory she owed him. She again gazed at the picture and turned as the last sheet of the album read ' ... and they lived ... ever after …'.